This is how Life is…

People use to tell me that life changes so fast that one doesn't even get sheer time to notice that change, In the end they would calmly say: This is how life is. To this I never paid slightest of attention However, today I realize that my life is no different My smile vanishes as... Continue Reading →


"Should Hijab be mandatory in schools for Muslim girls?  an unwelcome question hovered in the atmosphere to be answered. A couple of days back, I was chosen in Debate Organizing Team of my college. Initially, we all had a friendly conversation at our committee meeting. However, things did not last the same way for long.... Continue Reading →

" The miracle of your mind isn't that you can see the world as it is, but that you can see the world as it isn't. We can remember the past and think about the future. We can imagine what  it's like to be some other person in some other place, and we all do... Continue Reading →

"The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that what we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change; until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds"   ∼ R.D. Laing

Reason for life

Dear Readers, I'm 18 year-old girl, and have recently finished my AS'levels. Today the issue I wish to present in front of you is not regarding some home chaos or boyfriend problem, but rather something more important. I'm a girl searching the purpose of my life. I'm encircled by aunties, and even teenage girls, who... Continue Reading →

Flaws in our Education

Since childhood we are nurtured in an environment where  teachers take no interest in answering curious questions from students that are out of syllabus, where values like leadership, patience, problem-solving skills, social responsibility, oral communication (Not only in English but also our mother tongue "Sindhi"), and self discipline are not thought to be important, and... Continue Reading →

The Purpose

" Orphans are easier to ignore before you know their names; they are easier to ignore before you see their faces. It is easier to pretend that they are not real before you hold them in your arms, but once you do everything changes." I read the quote written on the sign-post before the entrances... Continue Reading →

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